We're here to improve how banks and their business customers collaborate and to help them power each other's success.

For too long, business customers have been deprived of the consultative value a bank can and should bring to their business. For most, the idea that their banker is a trusted guide who provides timely, personalized advice simply hasn't squared with their reality.

For the bank, providing the timely guidance it aspires to deliver has always been a challenge. It just hasn't had access to the customer data and forecasts it needs. And even if it did, acting upon that data in effective, scalable ways has been nearly impossible.

At Monit, we have the vision, technology, and team to give banks and businesses what they both need to improve their respective bottom-line performance and (finally) realize the efficient, higher-value relationship they've each always wanted.

See yourself here? Explore our open positions.

Steve Dow

Co-Founder & CEO

Sean Collins


Ryan Johnson

Chief Customer Officer

Rian Stockbower


Max Koenig

Head of Business Development

Konstantin Novakivsky, CFA® CFP®

Head of Product & Modeling

Dave Batista

CX & Creative Advisor

Nathan Cullivan

Senior Data Analyst

Rusty Hall

Product Manager

Jessica Mahoney

Senior User Experience Designer

Lauren Ogden

Senior Software Engineer

Kristen Parton

Data Modeller

Caleb Piekstra

Principal Software Engineer

Devin Quirk

Senior Software Engineer

Rori Stumpf

Staff Engineer

Aaron Wong

Staff Software Engineer

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